

Simple rules of becoming a Bionic Blonde


Above all else, you must *heart* Jaime Sommers.




The Bionic Blonde’s Urban Dictionary


A definition of terms that often appear in episode commentary that may cause readers to think WTF?... with a link to their episode origins.


Our celebrity Astronaut & Tennis Pro supercouple's nickname. Steve Austin + Jaime Sommers = “Ausommers.”  Like Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie = “Brangelina.”  First appeared: The Bionic Woman pt. 2


Big Valley Blouse:
The infamous, really low cut, I-can't-believe-the-networks-allowed-this- blouse that Jaime wore in Brain Wash.


The1980s mission explosion in Budapest that reversed / cured Jaime's amnesia and her memories of Steve. First appeared:
Return of the SMDM and BW


Dr. Crankypants:
Rudy Wells, whenever he's in a sour mood. First appeared:
The Bionic Dog


Jamie's Jammies™:
The Bionic Woman's fabulous pajamas, worthy of a QVC Shopping Network line. First appeared:
Out of Body


Jaime's relationships or flirtations with guys who aren't Steve Austin. First appeared:
The Bionic Dog


Steve's sudden, distant gazes whenever he has romantic flashbacks of Jaime. First appeared: Return of the SMDM and BW


Travel Packing Genius:
The Bionic Woman's uncanny ability to fit lots and lots of wardrobe changes into one suitcase when traveling on missions. First appeared: African Connection.